Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


General Questions 常见问题

Q: I have placed an order but have not paid yet. Will my order be processed?


A: No, we will only process your order once payment has been made successfully.


Q: Is Cash on Delivery (COD) available?


A: No, we do not accept Cash on Delivery (COD) payments.


Q: Are your products ready stock or preorder?


A: All items are assumed to be preorder unless stated otherwise. Only items under the “ready stock” collection are available as limited-quantity ready stock, on a first-pay, first-serve basis.


Order Issues 订单问题

Q: I have paid for my order. Can I cancel my order and get a refund?


A: Once an order is confirmed and paid, we do not offer cancellations or refunds.


Q: I selected the wrong specifications (design, size, colour, etc.). What should I do?


A: Contact us within 24 hours of placing your order. You can reach us via WhatsApp at +6010-305-3959 with your order number, and we will assist with adjustments.

答:请在下单后的 24 小时内联系我们。您可以通过 WhatsApp (+6010-305-3959) 提供订单号,我们将协助您调整订单。

Q: Can I change my shipping address after my order is shipped?


A: Unfortunately, shipping addresses cannot be changed once the order is shipped. Please double-check your address before confirming the order.


Q: What if I ordered ready stock and preorder items in the same order?


A: We will wait and ship all items together when the preorder items arrive, so the shipping time frame will follow the preorder items. However, if you prefer separate shipments, you can pay the shipping fee twice: we will then ship the ready stock items first and send the preorder items later when they arrive.


Q: What should I do if I mistakenly chose the wrong specifications and only noticed upon receipt?


A: Unfortunately, we do not accept returns or offer refunds for incorrect choices after the package has been shipped. Please review your order carefully before confirming.


Shipping and Delivery 配送与送达

Q: How long does shipping take?



For Malaysia, ready stock ships in 1-3 business days and arrives in 2-7 business days; preorder items deliver in 10-24 business days after batch closes.

For Singapore, ready stock ships in 1-3 business days and arrives in 4-10 business days; preorder items deliver in 17-31 business days after batch closes.

For Taiwan, ready stock ships in 1-3 business days and arrives in 9-22 business days after dispatch; preorder items deliver in 22-43 business days after the batch closes.


马来西亚地区,现货 1-3 个工作日发货,2-7 个工作日送达;预购产品在预购批次截单后 10-24 个工作日送达。

新加坡地区,现货 1-3 个工作日发货,4-10 个工作日送达;预购产品在预购批次截单后 17-31 个工作日送达。

台湾地区,现货 1-3 个工作日发货,配送时间为发货后 9-22 个工作日;预购产品在预购批次截单后 22-43 个工作日送达。

Q: Do you offer FREE SHIPPING?


A: Yes, we offer free shipping within Malaysia for orders over RM120 and free shipping to Singapore for orders over S$200.

答:是的,我们为马来西亚地区满 RM120 的订单提供免费配送,新加坡地区满 S$200 也可享受免费配送。

Q: Is there any special packaging for my order?



Yes, we provide exclusive tin box packaging for orders over RM160 in Malaysia, S$100 in Singapore, or NT$2,500 in Taiwan. If your order does not meet this threshold, you can add RM15 for the special tin box gift packaging.


是的,马来西亚满 RM160、新加坡满 S$100 或台湾满 NT$2,500 的订单将享有独家铁盒包装。如果订单金额未达到此标准,您可以加付 RM15 获得特别的铁盒礼品包装。

Q: If it is a gift, can I include a wishes card?


A: Yes! We offer a free wishes card. Just let us know it’s a gift and provide the message you’d like us to write.


Q: Do I need to pay customs, import duties, levies, or taxes? (If any)



Yes, any taxes, levies, import duties, or similar charges imposed by your local authorities are the responsibility of the customer. These charges are not included in the amount paid to us. Failure to pay these duties may result in your package being returned, and you will be responsible for any additional shipping fees for a second delivery attempt. For orders shipped to Taiwan, customs clearance requires a valid Taiwanese ID number, and duties and taxes are already included in the product price.



Q: Can I track my order?


A: Yes, once your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number. You can use this number to monitor your package through the courier’s website.


Q: What should I do if I need to change my shipping address after placing an order?


A: Contact us within 24 hours via WhatsApp (+6010-305-3959) with your order number and updated address. Changes may not be possible after 24 hours or may incur extra fees. Shipping addresses cannot be changed once the order is shipped.

答:请在下单后的 24 小时内通过 WhatsApp (+6010-305-3959) 联系我们,提供订单号和更新的地址。24 小时后可能无法更改,或可能产生额外费用。订单一旦发货,收货地址不可更改。

Contact Information 联系方式

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please contact our customer support team via:


WhatsApp: +6010-305-3959

Email 电子邮件:

We’re here to help ensure you have a pleasant experience with Glee Theory. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help with sizing, product care, or any other inquiries.
